Another month, another 12 of 12. See Chad's blog for the rules and other people's March 12 of 2008.

I drove to my hometown today for a meeting and originally intended to stay overnight, but since the meeting was shorter than usual, I decided to drive back to Dresden right afterwards. Just exited the freeway, almost home. It's 9km into the center of Dresden, but only 4km to my home. Almost there!

Still up, talking with Kerri and already uploading the first three pictures. I went to bed shortly afterwards and slept like a stone.

A motherly prescribed, wildly foaming multi-vitamine shake. I have two very busy concert weeks coming up and since I just recovered from a cold, my mom ordered me to do something about my body's defenses. *lol*

Weird light over some parts of the city where the sun is still able to make its way through the clouds. It usually doesn't look this yellow. We had some crazy weather here today. One minute it's sunny, the next there is heavy rain or even hail, then it's all stormy... No wonder I've been having a headache since morning.

This also illustrates the really spring-like weather we had today. Blue sky above dark clouds and some light still shining through.

Two loads of laundry ready to dry. I wanted to do a third load, but as you can see there isn't any space left to hang it.

My freshly tidied bedroom. It was time to get it back in order since I hadn't done it in a while. It somehow completed my household day. *lol* And the laundry load for tomorrow is already ready to be washed and sitting in a basket in front of the heater.
That's it, and wow, still more than 4 hours until midnight. *lol*
Die Aliasfolge kenne ich noch gut. Müsste 1.04 sein, nicht? Davon hab ich mal eine Reihe icons gemacht für eine Challenge.
Und das Wetter war ja wirklich unter aller S**, nicht :( Schrecklich ... Gute Besserung bzw. werd nicht wieder krank (ich bin auch froh, dass mein Schnupfen gerade wieder fast weg ist).
Liebe Grüße
Liebe Grüße auch von mir.
ALIAS geht immer, oder? :O)
Christin, your healthy shake looks similar to my carrot juice! lets hope we get the benefits from it. beautiful shot of the sky, very changeable weather here in the UK too, but I got lucky having blue skies while I was out today, Lisa
The healthy shake looks yumm...
The blue sky is really good...
And, oh my god ! 484km for a 2 hour meeting.. Wohhh
I need to remember to sign into MSN, or else I don't see Kerri [doh]. And I can't believe you drove that far for a 2 hour meeting [blink]
Damn you take such great pics !!
and damn I wanna rewatch some Alias episodes now...I miss Syd...(I know EXACTLY which episode it is...but that shouldn't be weird...coming from a fan...*rolleyes*)
The orange shake stuff...was it good? It looks funny !!
484km in one day is lot, even more for a 2h meetin, glad you made it back home ok !
Did your cereal have some chocolate pieces in it?!? It looked really did the salad! :yum:
Alright, that's it. How can I chat with you two? I must figure this out.
Anyway, salad looks good! Yay for laundry -- I always procrastinate that task. Glad you made it home from your meeting without it being too terribly late. I hope you stay well!
Oh, Alias. I love that scene, but how can you not? They're just too cute and angsty for their own good. "You just threw your phone into the Pacific!" Hee.
What cool pix! I don't know why...but that drink is kinda scary. Are you sure it's good for you???
I like your outdoor shots, the quickly changing weather reminds me of Denver, CO, USA. Sehr schön!
Great 12 of 12. I like the 10th photo of the blue sky showing through the clouds, but I'm a sucker for shots of clouds and sunsets. Some great shots of the vitamin shake and the your clothes all neatly arranged on the lines. I could have used some of that German efficency in my move to my new apartment. I just finished moving the last of my stuff out of my old place yesterday.(yea!!) I still have to unpack and arrange things in my new digs, but the hard part is done.
Look forward to seeing next months installment.
Oh! ...I forgot to ask. How did the camera thing go? I mean did you get your camera fixed or buy another?
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