It's time for another 12 of 12! Visit Chad's (it was his idea) blog to see what everybody else's days looked like.

My weather widget shows what's happening outside: a thunderstorm. In April and at 1 am in the morning. *passout* The flashes of lightning were enormous and the thunder very load and rumbly. *shudder*

Checking the tram schedule for my morning trip into the city. It's good to know in advance when you have to leave. *nod*

Wakey-wakey! It's a little blurry, but that makes it a perfect picture because it looks just like I actually see it through my eyes in the morning without my glasses on. *lol*

Quickly setting the timer on my DVD recorder. I won't be there for my regular Saturday afternoon TV show, so I have to record it. *lol*

A quick shower before I head into the city for a pre-concert choir rehearsal. I'm running a little late...

After the rehearsal and a quick lunch in the city, I'm on my way back home to grab my concert things and my car and fetch the three guys who are driving with me.

In the tram, looking ahead to the driver's cabin and the tram ahead of us.

It's a concert day! I went to Zwickau, about 120km from Dresden, with one of the two choirs I sing in for an afternoon concert. This is the room (not really a room but a hallway) where we changed into our concert clothes.

I haven't been in Zwickau before so I take a quick look at the city before our concert. It seems pretty lovely, and the weather sure adds to that.

And another look at Zwickau.

Home in time to see one of the first balcony sunsets of this year. During winter, the sun sets behind the house on the left hand side of my balcony, so I can't see it. Now the days are getting longer and the sunset is moving even more to the West. Yay! I'm so happy that there was no sign of thunderstorms during the day!

There's nothing on TV, so I'm watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This will keep me busy until bedtime. *lol*

My weather widget shows what's happening outside: a thunderstorm. In April and at 1 am in the morning. *passout* The flashes of lightning were enormous and the thunder very load and rumbly. *shudder*

Checking the tram schedule for my morning trip into the city. It's good to know in advance when you have to leave. *nod*

Wakey-wakey! It's a little blurry, but that makes it a perfect picture because it looks just like I actually see it through my eyes in the morning without my glasses on. *lol*

Quickly setting the timer on my DVD recorder. I won't be there for my regular Saturday afternoon TV show, so I have to record it. *lol*

A quick shower before I head into the city for a pre-concert choir rehearsal. I'm running a little late...

After the rehearsal and a quick lunch in the city, I'm on my way back home to grab my concert things and my car and fetch the three guys who are driving with me.

In the tram, looking ahead to the driver's cabin and the tram ahead of us.

It's a concert day! I went to Zwickau, about 120km from Dresden, with one of the two choirs I sing in for an afternoon concert. This is the room (not really a room but a hallway) where we changed into our concert clothes.

I haven't been in Zwickau before so I take a quick look at the city before our concert. It seems pretty lovely, and the weather sure adds to that.

And another look at Zwickau.

Home in time to see one of the first balcony sunsets of this year. During winter, the sun sets behind the house on the left hand side of my balcony, so I can't see it. Now the days are getting longer and the sunset is moving even more to the West. Yay! I'm so happy that there was no sign of thunderstorms during the day!

There's nothing on TV, so I'm watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This will keep me busy until bedtime. *lol*
Zwickau has some beautiful architecture. Great pics Christin :)
Der Sonnenuntergang sieht super aus. So was hätte ich auch gerne :) Irgendwie wirkt es, als hätte Peter Jackson ihn geklaut und in LotR eingebaut, oder? *g*
Hoffe, das Wetter heute ist schöner bei Euch. Den Regen haben wir jetzt bekommen und die Gewitter sind für heute nachmittag angekündigt *sigh*
LG Nici
Ich würde Euch gerne mal singen hören!!!
Liebe Grüße
Zwickau looks beautiful, I just love the architecture. Great sunset too.
I love your shower curtain! And Zwickau is beautiful.
I enjoyed your 12 of 12!
Awww, very pretty! Especially the sunset -- what a nice way to end the day.
I also have to say, I only just now figured out that the kitty widget purrs and meows. My cat was laying right next to the computer and popped her lazy head up upon hearing the purring and started making closed-mouth meows when the widget meowed. :rotfl:
How pretty! I love those photos of Zwickau. I could get used to that ;)
Nice set!
Zwickau is gorgeous! I need a European vacation.
The sunset was beautiful - glad you're getting to see them again and it meaning that summer is on the way!
Love that Zwickau, sehr schön!
I've heard of Zwickau, and it does look pretty, thanks for the little trip! And Allison's comment about Maddie reacting to your cat widget made me laugh!
Mmm, sunset :D
Hope the concert went well!
My 12's finally up (late last night, technically very early this morning), and I've counted about 30 photos I've got for definite 366 themes, and about another 12 that might make themes - I think I'll spread them out :lol:
So how did the concert went ?
Zwickau sure looked pretty !
Oh and you know what ? I love your shower curtain !
And it looks like we have kinda the same view without our glasses on !! lol
What great pix! Zwickau looks beautiful. I'll have to read up on it! The sunset photo was also pretty. Thanks for sharing your day with us.
The sunset picture is just breathtaking!
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