Here we go again! See Chad's blog for the rules and for other people's 12 of 12's. :)
My iPod woke me up. Yay! I love to wake up to music...

I was a bit slow getting my day started, so breakfast (honey toast) was almost two hours after waking up. :D

10:37 ff.
It's a beautiful day outside, which allows me to show you the beauty of the autumn foliage right outside my apartment. It is a beautiful day and there's a balloon up in the air.

Time to get the best use out of the genius that is Time Machine, now that I have an external hard drive that is bigger than my iMac's internal hard drive.

Having lunch and going through the next job applications I'll send out.

And the balloons are back. Soon they'll be stuck in their winter quarters. :(

The days are over much too soon these days...

Watching The DaVinci Code. I haven't read the book and had not seen the movie yet, so I was pretty excited. And the movie didn't disappoint. It actually made me want to read the book, but that will have to wait until thesis days are over. :D

Multi-tasking! I'm still watching the movie, uploading the first 12 of 12 pictures and IMing with a friend who, by the way, had a dream last night that her name was mentioned on Chad's website. Well, now I made that happen, at least indirectly. :lol:

Good night!