Sunday, February 18, 2007

I love puzzles...

And that's why it happens fairly often that I spend nights putting puzzles together, which are of the 1000, 1500 or 2000 pieces variety. Last night was such a night. I had to finish the puzzle because I'm having a friend over from my hometown on Tuesday and that means that the living room table has to be free. When I am alone I don't mind blocking my table with puzzles, since I rarely sit down at it to eat. And when I work at the table it is fairly easy to spread the sheets of paper and the books over the puzzle, without disturbing it. But having a friend over means eating at the table, which means no puzzle. Long story short: here is the puzzle I finished last night:

And here are a couple of other puzzles I did over the last 2 or so years, going from the most recent before the one above to the oldest:

This one was done in September 2006.

This is one of the most difficult puzzles I own, because of all the colors. I did it in June 2006.

May 2006. 1500 pieces...

This puzzle has 2000 pieces. I had to do it on the floor because my table isn't large enough for it. I did it in October 2005.

This puzzle was done on the floor of my Strasbourg apartment in June 2005. It shows Boston Harbor.

Another poor quality picture. I also did this one in Strasbourg. And I did finish it, except for one piece that is missing from the puzzle. *cry*

I did this one in October 2004, when my father visited me in Strasbourg. Sorry for the poor quality, I took this picture with my old cell phone camera.

I have plenty of other puzzles that still need to be done. So stay tuned for more puzzle pictures...

Saturday, February 17, 2007


Today marks the glorious entrance of Christin into the world wide blog-o'-sphere!

This will be my little corner in the world wide web...



designer : anniebluesky :