This 12 of 12 is a bit different from the other months and the basic concept, developed by Chad. My digital camera is broken so participating got a little difficult. At first I thought that I'll have to skip this month, but then I remembered that my mobile phone has a camera (with two megapixels even) and I took a few pictures. When I uploaded them onto my iMac I found out that they weren't any good. :( A friend of mine suggested a new approach. I have to admit that pictures 1) to 7) are "staged", but the things in them really happened before! Photos 8) to 12) are "live" again. *lol* I hope you still enjoy them a little bit... All pictures taken with the iSight camera in my iMac, or via screen shot. Next month, if the camera God allows it, I'll be back with real pictures. *fingerscrossed*

Suddenly remembering that I need to put up a new Quote of the Week, thanks to the by now pretty regular reminder. *lol*
Trying to connect my mobile phone with my iMac via Bluetooth in order to transfer the 12 of 12 pictures I took (was up to 9 pictures at that point)... I soon had to realize that the photos I took with my mobile aren't any good for 12 of 12. *cry* Thanks to my friend Maik a new idea for 12 of 12 was born!

That's what I'm reading. It's the e-paper of Die ZEIT, one of the important weekly newspapers in Germany. This article is about my city, Dresden, and the ongoing struggle between supporters and adversaries of a new bridge.
Pimping my CV. Need to add a few things, most importantly a new picture!
And bye-bye. See you next month. Hopefully I'll be back with "real" pictures by then...
Hee, Maik and I had the same idea! I hope your camera's back next month - I'd hate to see you have to carry Bert the MacBook around Dresden, pointing him at things to use the iSight camera! Though it'd show dedication ;-)
I'd offer CV help, but although I'm good with CVs, I wouldn't be able to understand the German!
No matter this is not a classic 12 of 12 ! It's so funny !!
I hope your Camera get better for next month...
But this iSight idea was a really good one ^
heeee!! cool idea...I like them...I am sorry the camera is broken :console: ....
and I LOVE that kitty widget!!!!
Haha ! I loved it ! That was a great 12 of 12 !! I hope you'll have your camera back though !
your dinner seemed yummy !!
Way to improvise! Awesome 12 of 12!! :) Hope the camera gets fixed!
I love the improvisation idea! What a cute way to re-explain your day!
Heeheehee. Laughed out loud over here! Loving the improv work! :)
Thanks for sharing your piccies!!
Sorry to hear about your camera. Hope you get it fixed soon or even better... an upgrade.
I like the series of you with the single perspective. It makes telling your day with expressions like reading a childs story book. Great creativity, great job...
Great 12 of 12 in challenging circumstances ;), hope you get your camera back soon.
Now that is using some initiative! Nice work Christin :)
Well ya know the '12 has an 'optional theme' this year (as opposed to the 'optional bonus pic' last year) And I would say yours is quite thematic ; )
Fun pix! Thanks for sharing your day with us!
I thought that was a great idea, using your Mac!! It was like seeing a short film of your day.
Huhu Christin,
absolute HAMMER IDEE! Das gefällt mir total gut!
Außerdem finde ich es klasse, dass du sowohl einen Mac hast als auch ein Sony-Handy :O)
Steffi. (
Oh my goodness, here I am checking your 366 blog and thinking that you didn't get to do 12 of 12. Ha! I'm glad I clicked over here. You are so funny! I love the plants in your apartment and your late dinner and the last picture is especially cute and fun, with you waving goodbye! :hug: :smooch:
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