Tuesday, February 12, 2008

12 of 12 (3) -- February 2008

This 12 of 12 is a bit different from the other months and the basic concept, developed by Chad. My digital camera is broken so participating got a little difficult. At first I thought that I'll have to skip this month, but then I remembered that my mobile phone has a camera (with two megapixels even) and I took a few pictures. When I uploaded them onto my iMac I found out that they weren't any good. :( A friend of mine suggested a new approach. I have to admit that pictures 1) to 7) are "staged", but the things in them really happened before! Photos 8) to 12) are "live" again. *lol* I hope you still enjoy them a little bit... All pictures taken with the iSight camera in my iMac, or via screen shot. Next month, if the camera God allows it, I'll be back with real pictures. *fingerscrossed*

1) 18:04
Suddenly remembering that I need to put up a new Quote of the Week, thanks to the by now pretty regular reminder. *lol*

2) 18:13
And done!

3) 19:28
Trying to connect my mobile phone with my iMac via Bluetooth in order to transfer the 12 of 12 pictures I took (was up to 9 pictures at that point)...

4) 19:31
...and getting impatient and slightly frustrated.

5) 19:36
Alas--connection established! And I am...

6) 19:37
...happy again. But not for long...

7) 20:05
...as I soon had to realize that the photos I took with my mobile aren't any good for 12 of 12. *cry* Thanks to my friend Maik a new idea for 12 of 12 was born!

8) 21:10
Enjoying a late dinner and reading a newspaper on the screen.

9) 21:30
That's what I'm reading. It's the e-paper of Die ZEIT, one of the important weekly newspapers in Germany. This article is about my city, Dresden, and the ongoing struggle between supporters and adversaries of a new bridge.

10) 21:49
Pimping my CV. Need to add a few things, most importantly a new picture!

11) 22:03
Checking the result. Content for now. :)

12) 22:18
And bye-bye. See you next month. Hopefully I'll be back with "real" pictures by then...


Dogeared said...

Hee, Maik and I had the same idea! I hope your camera's back next month - I'd hate to see you have to carry Bert the MacBook around Dresden, pointing him at things to use the iSight camera! Though it'd show dedication ;-)

I'd offer CV help, but although I'm good with CVs, I wouldn't be able to understand the German!

graphsman said...

No matter this is not a classic 12 of 12 ! It's so funny !!
I hope your Camera get better for next month...

But this iSight idea was a really good one ^

techiegurl said...

heeee!! cool idea...I like them...I am sorry the camera is broken :console: ....

and I LOVE that kitty widget!!!!

Poun said...

Haha ! I loved it ! That was a great 12 of 12 !! I hope you'll have your camera back though !
your dinner seemed yummy !!

Anonymous said...

Way to improvise! Awesome 12 of 12!! :) Hope the camera gets fixed!

Elaine said...

I love the improvisation idea! What a cute way to re-explain your day!

Anonymous said...

Heeheehee. Laughed out loud over here! Loving the improv work! :)
Thanks for sharing your piccies!!

Hibe said...

Sorry to hear about your camera. Hope you get it fixed soon or even better... an upgrade.

I like the series of you with the single perspective. It makes telling your day with expressions like reading a childs story book. Great creativity, great job...

Lisa B said...

Great 12 of 12 in challenging circumstances ;), hope you get your camera back soon.

Pete Cullen said...

Now that is using some initiative! Nice work Christin :)

Lipp said...

Well ya know the '12 has an 'optional theme' this year (as opposed to the 'optional bonus pic' last year) And I would say yours is quite thematic ; )

Scooter said...

Fun pix! Thanks for sharing your day with us!

Zippy said...

I thought that was a great idea, using your Mac!! It was like seeing a short film of your day.

Anonymous said...

Huhu Christin,
absolute HAMMER IDEE! Das gefällt mir total gut!
Außerdem finde ich es klasse, dass du sowohl einen Mac hast als auch ein Sony-Handy :O)

Steffi. (fraup.typepad.com)

Allison said...

Oh my goodness, here I am checking your 366 blog and thinking that you didn't get to do 12 of 12. Ha! I'm glad I clicked over here. You are so funny! I love the plants in your apartment and your late dinner and the last picture is especially cute and fun, with you waving goodbye! :hug: :smooch:


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