Saturday, December 13, 2008

12 of 12 (3) - DECEMBER 2008

This is my December 12 of 12. It's up a little later than usual because I got home at 2.30am this morning (Dec. 13) from a trip to Frankfurt, then slept until almost noon and then went out with a friend. There actually is some change of scenery in this month's 12 of 12, so I hope you'll enjoy it. I took lots of pictures and couldn't decide on which ones to use to show you the Christmas market. So, in slightly bending the rules, this is more of a 17 of 12. Just think of it as a batch of bonus pictures. ;)

12 of 12 is the brainchild of Chad Darnell, to whom I'm sending lots of thoughts and prayers. *hug*

1) 0:30ish...
One of the first things I did after turning in my thesis was to start a puzzle, which I haven't been able to do for months. This is actually the second puzzle since my thesis-freedom. It has 1500 pieces.
2) 30something minutes later
Progress report. ;) A good stopping point for the night.
3) 1:ooish
I was watching a Katie Melua concert on DVD while working on the puzzle. Here she is singing my favorite song, "If You Were a Sailboat". Went to bed shortly afterwards.
4) 8:19
Wakey-wakey... A lot to do, a lot to see today, must get started.
5) 8:28
A quick glance out the window shows: it has been snowing during the night. That is not a bad thing in itself (even though I'm not a fan of snow), but since we were supposed to drive 460km to Frankfurt for an a cappella choir concert, I would have preferred more favorable weather conditions...
6) 8:29
This is my little Christmas candle arch (it has LED lights instead of real candles). Candle archs are widely spread in the Eastern parts of Germany - the most beautiful are manufactured in a region in Saxony, the federate state I'm living in - and they illuminate the cities at nights. It is always a lovely view from my balcony when all the candle archs in the windows illuminate Dresden. :)
7) 12:50
On our way to Frankfurt. The roads were free of snow, but the scenery along the roads was...
8) 13:09
snowy and very beautiful.
9) 17:13
Rehearsing for the concert. This is our conductor giving some instructions. For what, I don't remember. :D
10) Between 18:30 and 19:29
We had some time between the rehearsal and the concert, which allowed us to visit the Christmas market of Frankfurt. It is a very lovely Christmas market with a lovely carousel, some glogg, craft shops and great buildings. These are a only a few impressions.
11) 19:29
The poster announcing our concert! The church was filled to the last seat and we did have a really nice concert.

12) 21:54
And back to Dresden we drive. This was supposed to be a night shot of the Frankfurt skyline, but just as I took the lights switched to green and we started moving. It's still a nice picture. :D I got home at 2.30am. What a long and exhausting day!
See you guys next year. I wish everyone a lovely Christmas season and all the best for the New Year! *hugs*


Allison said...

Yay! Looks like a fun time in Frankfurt. Gorgeous, gorgeous trees along the road there too. I'm glad to see pictures of snow. :)

Yeah, my 12 was pretty Maddie-heavy this month, huh? Haha.

Nice puzzle too -- I didn't get to even get to a part of town where I could SEE that bridge when I was there in August, isn't that sad? I could have gotten up early and gone alone, I suppose, but the all-day-long concert-ing took too much of it out of me to be able to do so.

Anonymous said...


Ich würde gerne mal ein Konzert deines Chores hören.

Liebe Grüße.

Pete Cullen said...

Great pics Christin, Dreseden looks like such a nice place and with the lights and the snow, beautiful!

Hibe said...

Great shots of Frankfurt. Takes a steady hand to get those night shots. I love working jigsaw puzzles, but I haven't done any in years. Hope you have a very merry Christmas. Look forward to your January 12 next year.

Dogeared said...

Looks like a busy but happy (and festive) day! I like the last photo with the moving lights - sometimes the photos that are not planned work out better, right? ;-)

Have a happy Christmas and New Year, with family, friends, good food, drink and presents, and lots of music!


Eliane Zimmermann said...

Danke, Christin, für deinen Besuch in Irland. Deine Fotos gefallen mir auch sehr gut, ich habe mich auch über die Infos der Frauenkirche gefreut. Vor einigen jahren verbrachte ich zwei Wochen in Dresden, um bei der Einführung des Phaeton in der Gläsernen Manufaktur mitzuwirken. Es war eine tolle und harte Zeit, ich habe dort 14 Abende lang Duftmischungen für hunderte von Gäste kreiert. Als Belohnung habe ich mir ein Seidentuch mit 4x Frauenkirche gegönnt, ganz im hermès-Stil. Ich liebe es, trage es fast immer zu schicker Business-Kleidung und fürchte schon, dass es sich bald auflösen wird. Wie gut, dass ich vielleicht ab Sommer einen mehrteiligen Aromatherapie-Kurs in Dresden anbieten werde, vielelicht finde ich wieder ein ähnliches Halstuch! Cheers from the very rainy Green Island! Eliane


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