Time for another 12 of 12. And today I almost forgot about it... Thank you, Maik, for the reminder! :) That's the reason why there are no morning or afternoon pictures this time. lol Once again, thank you to Chad for the wonderful idea!
Here we go...
A hastily prepared dinner, tastes better than it looks. lol My stomach had been growling for a couple of hours. I didn't have lunch and spent 4 hours at the library today, both things that make you pretty hungry. Crisp bread with Nutella - yummy...
3) 19:10
The two pieces for Saturday's choir concert in my hometown. I had to practice them today since I haven't had too many rehearsals for this project and both works are pretty contemporary, thus a little difficult to sing and memorize...
5) 19:20
Some green in the middle of the street. The one tree in the middle struck me as odd since it's practically leaf-less...
After choir rehearsal. Apparently, for some of us, including our conductor, singing for two hours wasn't exhausting enough. lol
Back home from the choir rehearsal I'm watching the last few minutes of tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy (3.11) on German TV.
Shh, don't tell...
Yay, you did it! And I spy a MacBook making it's first appearance ;-)
I like Poulenc... a little contemporary and hard to feel at first, but his jazzy rhythms and meters are infectious.
Awesome! And I love the pop art photobooth pic! :)
Ugh - 27+ degrees! Hope it cools off for you soon! Love the secret photo, very creative!
~ CC
Hi Christin,
da haben wir ja wirklich dasselbe Macbook und dieselbe Beschäftigung :) Hast Du es auch mit Unirabatt im Applestore bekommen? Von der Fernuni aus gab es letzten Monat 15% - da konnte ich nicht nein sagen.
Tolle Bilder. Ich mag das letzte besonders.
Loving the shot of the train station... I think if all depots looked so cool more people would take the train!
Is that the new Macbook? I love Nutella! Yum! Cute bonus picture, too.
Love the pop art secret pic!!
At the UN yesterday, I learned that it was the UN that standardized all traffic signals across the globe...bet that makes your day!
I just had to laugh so much at your first photo, multi-tasking with both computers! When I do that, I end up using the desktop mouse in attempts to do things on the laptop. :pinch:
I hope you have a good day!
Hallo Christin,
danke für deine lieben Worte in meinem Blog.
Es geht aufwärts.
Sehe ich da ein MacBook bei dir? Boah! *NEID*
Ich mag die SightSeeing-Bilder von Dresden.
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