Wednesday, June 13, 2007

12 of 12 June

Time for another 12 of 12. And today I almost forgot about it... Thank you, Maik, for the reminder! :) That's the reason why there are no morning or afternoon pictures this time. lol Once again, thank you to Chad for the wonderful idea!

Here we go...

1) 18:49
Chaos on my desk - multi-tasking with two computers and heaps of paperwork.

2) 18:55
A hastily prepared dinner, tastes better than it looks. lol My stomach had been growling for a couple of hours. I didn't have lunch and spent 4 hours at the library today, both things that make you pretty hungry. Crisp bread with Nutella - yummy...

3) 19:10
27.4°C in my apartment. :o

4) 19:11
The two pieces for Saturday's choir concert in my hometown. I had to practice them today since I haven't had too many rehearsals for this project and both works are pretty contemporary, thus a little difficult to sing and memorize...

5) 19:20
On my way to choir practice. (Not the same choir as mentioned in 4)...)

6) 19:21
Dresden's main train station.

7) 19:23
The spire of one of Dresden's famous churches.

8) 21:24
Some green in the middle of the street. The one tree in the middle struck me as odd since it's practically leaf-less...

9) 19:25
Almost there...

10) 21:45
After choir rehearsal. Apparently, for some of us, including our conductor, singing for two hours wasn't exhausting enough. lol

11) 22:50
On my way home - temporarily halted...

12) 23:07
Back home from the choir rehearsal I'm watching the last few minutes of tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy (3.11) on German TV.

13) Bonus pic: Secret
Shh, don't tell...


Dogeared said...

Yay, you did it! And I spy a MacBook making it's first appearance ;-)

BU said...

I like Poulenc... a little contemporary and hard to feel at first, but his jazzy rhythms and meters are infectious.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! And I love the pop art photobooth pic! :)

Paige said...

Ugh - 27+ degrees! Hope it cools off for you soon! Love the secret photo, very creative!
~ CC

Anonymous said...

Hi Christin,

da haben wir ja wirklich dasselbe Macbook und dieselbe Beschäftigung :) Hast Du es auch mit Unirabatt im Applestore bekommen? Von der Fernuni aus gab es letzten Monat 15% - da konnte ich nicht nein sagen.

Tolle Bilder. Ich mag das letzte besonders.


CondoBlogger said...

Loving the shot of the train station... I think if all depots looked so cool more people would take the train!

Kerri said...

Is that the new Macbook? I love Nutella! Yum! Cute bonus picture, too.

Zippy said...

Love the pop art secret pic!!

At the UN yesterday, I learned that it was the UN that standardized all traffic signals across the that makes your day!


Allison said...

I just had to laugh so much at your first photo, multi-tasking with both computers! When I do that, I end up using the desktop mouse in attempts to do things on the laptop. :pinch:

I hope you have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Hallo Christin,
danke für deine lieben Worte in meinem Blog.
Es geht aufwärts.

Sehe ich da ein MacBook bei dir? Boah! *NEID*

Ich mag die SightSeeing-Bilder von Dresden.


designer : anniebluesky :