A little late again, but I prefer to think of it as fashionably late. ;) Oh, and thanks for the reminder. :D
Quote of the Week -- Week 9 of 2008:
Lit professor: Reading Ulysses for the first time, like other life experiences we have for the first time, is not quite as pleasurable as we might have hoped it would be. However, unlike other life experiences we have for the first time, reading Ulysses lasts much, much longer.
Overheard in NYC @ Eugene Lang College
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Quote of the Week -- Week 9
Monday, February 18, 2008
Quote of the Week -- Week 8
On time! And without a reminder! Unbelievable... *lol*
Quote of the Week -- week 8 of 2008:
Student #1: I finally finished that annotated bibliography.
Student #2: Oh, that's not due until Thursday.
Student #1: Thursday?
Student #2: Yeah, didn't you get the e-mail?
Student #1: E-mail?!
Student #2: Well, it was mentioned in class on Tuesday.
Student #1: Class?!
Overheard in NYC @ NYU
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
12 of 12 (3) -- February 2008
Suddenly remembering that I need to put up a new Quote of the Week, thanks to the by now pretty regular reminder. *lol*
...as I soon had to realize that the photos I took with my mobile aren't any good for 12 of 12. *cry* Thanks to my friend Maik a new idea for 12 of 12 was born!
That's what I'm reading. It's the e-paper of Die ZEIT, one of the important weekly newspapers in Germany. This article is about my city, Dresden, and the ongoing struggle between supporters and adversaries of a new bridge.
Quote of the Week -- Week 7
After a nice reminder (thank you! ;)), here comes the new QotW!
Quote of the Week - week 7 of 2008:
Flight attendant: Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you aboard JetBlue flight 1024 with nonstop service to Boston. Before we depart, I would like to take the time and make sure that everyone is on the right flight -- we don't want people finding out that they're going to the wrong city after we shut the cabin doors. Is everyone here going to Boston? [Silence.] I said, is everyone here going to Boston?
Passengers: Yes!
Flight attendant: Thank you. You have to answer me, people!
Overheard in NYC @ JetBlue flight, JFK
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Lent 2008
I am a Christian person and always try to live by it. Today is Ash Wednesday, which might bring all the Carnival lovers in my country to tears but is actually of much more significance than just the end of the crazy season. And I, personally, don't like Carnival anyway, so thank God it's over!
Today marks the last 40 days until Easter (and I can't believe it's time for this already since the year just started...). So it's Lent from now on. I've always tried to abstain from things that I like, sometimes more and sometimes less successfully. This year I've decided to do a comprehensive Lent period and abstain from more than just one thing. The things I'm going to forego are:
Alcohol - not a very hard one as I hardly drink any alcohol
Meat - I could never be a vegetarian, but I can live without meat for a while...
Sweets - that's the really hard part...
Cake & Cookies - equally hard as the above...
The only exception are birthdays where cake and cookies are usually one of the key factors. To all those who just rolled their eyes: Have you ever been to a birthday and asked for a carrot? It would simply look stupid if you just sat there, sipping on your coffee or tea and drool at all the cake. So yeah, no cake or cookies except at a birthday party.
I'll go on a concert tour in Italy with one of my choirs on Easter Sunday, which marks the end of Lent. So there really is something to look forward to in all this. I wouldn't want to abstain from anything in Italy, that'd be torture.
So... I'm resolved and plan on going through with it all. Let's see how it goes!
Quote of the Week - Week 6
Wednesday seems to be a good day for quotes, so here goes another one...
Quote of the Week -- week 6 of 2008:
Marketing assistant: He's really changed his tune on that.
PR associate: Yup, he's come around 360 degrees.
Marketing assistant: If not more!
Overheard in the Office @ 105 Madison Avenue; New York, New York