Friday, April 13, 2007

12 of 12

It's this time of the month again, but I almost forgot about it... But luckily I remembered just in time to make it to 12 pictures for the day. Thank you to Chad for this wonderful idea. *hugs*

Here's my day...

1) 09:09
On my way to class. The weather has been beautiful today, around 75°F...

2) 13:05
On my way to work... One of the blue windows is mine.

3) 17:47
The literature I'm using for my paper. I've been writing and writing and never seem to get any closer to the finish line. *sigh*

4) 19:19
Watching some season 2 episodes of Lois and Clark, one of my favorite TV shows ever!

5) 21:33
Listening to one of my favorite oldies...

6) 21:57
On my way to the cinema... Had to stop at a red light, which gave me enough time for this picture. This is the city hall of Dresden.

7) 21:59
Crossing a bridge...

8) 22:12
Someone stole the parking space that I wanted to take right in front of my nose, so I had to park my car in a garage.

9) 00:34
Empty streets...

10) 00:35
The beautiful scenery, this time crossing the bridge on my way back home. It's fuzzy, but it's dark and I'm driving...

11) 00:36
A sign on my way home. At the top it says "all directions", which is the sign you love the most when you are in a city you don't know. Luckily, I am quite familiar with my city and have no problems in finding my way home.

12) 00:44
Okay, technically it's not the 12th anymore, but this picture marks the end of my day. I'm back home from the cinema and about to exit my car, taking one last look at one of my favorite parts of the car. Blue makes me happy. :)

13) Bonus pic...
My random word was "watch", so this was an easy one for me...

This has been fun. I can't wait for May...


Anonymous said...

Nice pics. That nighttime picture of Dresden is gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry the paper writing is going so slowly [hugs].

Was the film good?

Helen at work.

Anonymous said...

Huhu Christin,
1. ich hatte mal die gleiche Uhr! Sehr SCHÖNE Uhr. So schlicht!

2. Welchen Film hast du gekuckt?

3. Sauberer Musikgeschmack!!! Das meine ich jetzt echt! Cool ist, dass "Coco Jambo" dabei ist :O)

Schöne Bilder, freue mich auch auf Mai.

Viele Grüße aus Bayern

CondoBlogger said...

Very cool shots! What kind of sign points drivers to "All Directions?" That WOULD make me mad, if I could read German of course.

Pete Cullen said...

Those are really nice pics, thanks for sharing them with us Christin!

Zippy said...

Nice 12 - the shot of Dresden is terrific! Good luck with your paper - it'll get done!



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