Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12 of 12 December

The last 12 of 12 of the year 2007 is here... My day started in Dresden and ended in Magdeburg, my hometown. 12 of 12 is the brain child of Chad Darnell. A happy Advent season to all 12 of 12'ers and everyone else. *hugs*

1) 00.26
My day ended (or started) with a horrible tummy ache. I took a painkiller and went straight to bed. Sleep didn't come for another two hours. Yikes...

2) 09.00
As you can see, my alarm was set for 10 am, but the guy who wanted to take the meter readings in my apartment woke me up. I greeted him at the door in my Tweety pj's. *profuseblushing*

3) 09.11
I take a look at the weather outside, instantly wishing that I hadn't...

4) 09.13
Retrieving today's egg from my Christmas calendar.

5) 09.17
Say hello to Chip. Or is it Dale?

6) 11.15
Working on a birthday surprise for a friend. I hope he doesn't check my blog. But I think I never gave him the link to my blog, so there's nothing to worry about...

7) 11.45
Now busy with preparations for my trip to the U.S., I also check the current exchange rates and they are very favorable. Yay!

8) 18.05
After 3 hours and 258 km I arrive at my parents' house.

9) 19.15
It's the season... On my way to a meeting of the choir association I am a member of. I'm actually a member of the executive board. Halted at a red light, I get a glimpse of the Christmas decorations of my hometown.

10) 22.18
Some cookie goodness. Makes the following part more enjoyable. *lol*

11) 22.20
Now that the choir association meeting is over, I'm re-reading my notes and trying to transform them into meeting minutes. Three pages need to be cut to at best one and a half... It was a very productive meeting!

12) 22.35
I'm throwing a little pre-Christmas dinner party for a few close friends from the choir on Monday and here's how my mom supports it. I won't have much time to go grocery shopping as I'll still be busy with concerts, so my mom offered to do it for me. :)

Bonus: Believe
After countless nights of going to bed at 3 am or even later, I strongly believe that once I'm done with my blog post I'll go hide under these comfy sheets and get a good night's sleep.


Dogeared said...

Leo says Hi to Bert ;-)

And hey, I'm sure the meter man got a smile from seeing Tweety! I know what you mean though - I had to answer the door the other day to some people from a political party who were doing a survey of what people want, and I'd got greasy and icky hair [bag]

Love the car speedo shot - yay for it being cropped properly! (not missing any edges of the dials).

Also yay for Mum helping with the dinner party preparations :D

Mmm, warm bed. But new 12 of 12 posts are being made, so I think I'll stay up a smidgen longer ;-)

Poun said...

I don't know if it's Chip or Dale...but I have one of that collection too (it lets "foot" prints...ehehe) but you're lucky you had an egg, today I had a kinder bar !

The tree at the Allee-Center looks amazing !!!

and gosh those cookies...hummmmmm

Happy holidays !

Anonymous said...

Aww... I love your Christmas egg! I hope you're sleeping sound...

Anonymous said...

Hi Christin,
die Bettwäsche sieht ja niedlich aus. Hoffentlich war sie auch schön warm ... Es ist ja biestig kalt geworden in den letzten Tagen :( Und Magenschmerzen sind schon fies, vor allem, wenn man schlafen will und nicht kann. Hoffentlich geht es Dir besser und Du hast noch eine schöne (Vor-)Weihnachstzeit!
LG Nici

Allison said...

Aww, :console: for a tummy ache first thing in the morning. Yuck! I hope you got some good sleep in! It's so funny you have Tweety pajamas - my best friend in high school and college LOVED Tweety and had lots of Tweety stuff. I'll now have to associate you with her.

Yay for finishing a cute puzzle too, I see.

Have a good day!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Have great holidays!!

Anonymous said...

Really, really great pictures. I couldn't figure out how to post them like you did. This is my first 12 or 12, so I'll get it together, soon!

I think we have the same computer.

Zippy said...

Great pictures! Have a Merry Christmas!!

Pete Cullen said...

Now those cookies look delicious! Great pics, thanks for sharing them :)

Scooter said...

What great pix...but what was in the Christmas egg? Hope it was another pain pill. They always help this time of year!

Elaine said...

It's Dale! The way I tell them about is that Chip has a chocolate chip for a nose! ;-) I love kinder chocolate. My aunt used to send us Christmas candy every year and marzipan and kinder chocolate were always my favorite!


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