The first 12 of 12 in 2008! A Happy New Year to everybody!! Hopefully, this will be the first year where I do all 12 of 12's, since I only started participating in March 2007. 12 of 12 is the brainchild of Chad Darnell.
Okay, technically not one but three pictures, but all taken within seconds. I liked them all, so I included them. I was talking to Kerri via IM, and these pictures describe the history of a reply: type-check-like. :lol:
Santa's last day, at least until December. Immediately after taking this picture, I put Santa back in the closet where he can sleep for the next 10.5 months.
Now on the way back home. Unfortunately a little blurry, but I still like it. You can see a tram coming.
My mom is making each of us a Martini rosso with lemon. I love this picture because the Martini seems to be frozen in mid-air, since it hadn't reached the glass yet when the picture was taken.
I think photo 10 is my favourite :D
And Kerri was online? I need to sign into MSN more often :(
And and, having now started the German course, I can hear the correct pronunciation of "Neumarkt" in my head - "neu" always came out as "noo" before, but now I know it's more like "noy"! :D
Thanks for sharing the pics Christin, Dresden looks really nice!
I really love the third shot ! It reminds me my trip to Germany !! Great pics !
Ooh, I like #10 too. Very pretty little clouds. And #3. And that is a very cute Santa!
My day is only partway through -- don't have plans to leave the house yet so I'll have to see what kind of pics I can come up with!
Dresden seems to be a very pretty city :-D
Gummmmmmmyyy !
Picture 6: One of "Knubbels" big brothers (or is it a sister;) )!!!
I'm partial to the first set of pictures. :) Although, 8 & 10 are really pretty.
Your pix are amazing. I especially love the Dresden Frauenkirche!!! It looks good enough to be a postcard.
Da hattet Ihr aber viel schöneres Wetter als wir hier im Westen :( Hier hat es fast den ganzen Tag nur geregnet. Und danke, dass Du mein altes Auto fotografiert hast :) Auch wenn ich meinen neuen Smarties liebe, vermisse ich doch seinen Vorgänger ab und an.
Liebe Grüße (auch an den armen Santa) Nici
The Frauenkirche is absolutely stunning. Actually Dresden looks beautiful overall. I'll stop by one of these days!
The Frauenkirche is gorgeous!! And I love how you captured twilight in Dresden - it's my favorite time of day and the clouds look beautiful.
Hello Christin,
This is Hibe (aka Gary) again. I’m participating in the 12 of 12 challenge also. I have included in my 12 of 12 homepage a link to the page you listed with Chad. If this is not permissible with you, please email me or drop a comment at . Please feel free to post my link if you wish.
Great pics of the city. Look for more next month.
Beautiful pics! I'd love to visit Dresden some day. It looks gorgeous!!
These are gorgeous! Wow!
Lovely pics of Dresden, particularly like the Frauenkirche, I can see I am going to be tempted to join this challenge next month
I keep going back to the Frauenkirche photo... so lovely in that light. A great day of photos!
Great pics! Dresden is very pretty. :)
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